"Taboulé" with savors of middle-east 

preparation: 45min  

resting: 3 hours 

table: 8x people 

difficulty: easy

cost: "€" 


· 500g of couscous 

· 5x medium-sized tomatoes 

· 2x fresh cucumbers 

· 3x colorful peppers (orange, red, green) 

· 2x cup of fresh chopped parsley 

· 1x cup of fresh chopped mint 

· 1x cup of fresh coriander 

· 500g of tomato puree 

· 2x tbsp of olive oil 

· 1x tbsp of balsamic vinegar 

· Lemons' juice: 3x nice juicy lemons 

· dried raisins and cranberries 

· mignonette of pepper and salt 


STEP 1  

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

Put the couscous in a large bowl (don't understimate the expected volume) and prepare all the ingredients. Mince the parsley, mint and coriander, dried fruits and chop the tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. The smallest you chop, the best! We recommand for that specific job to use a cleaver knife. Thanks to its balance and size, the job will be done before you know it!  

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

Realize your mignonette incorporating all the spices mentioned (pepper, salt). To get the right balance between the spices, put 1 unit of salt for 3 units of peppers. Smash it in your mortar until you feel relaxed :).   

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

STEP 2 Add those ingredient to the coucous and mix it gently together. For the final touch, add the tomato puree, the lemon's juice, the oil and vinegar and mix it once again together. 

STEP 3 You won't believe it, but that is almost everything! Now, just put it in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours for your "taboulé" to rest. The "taboulé" will now get its fresh texture and get ready for you to have a very tasty side dish!   

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

Cooking Tips  To make your own version, don't hesitate adding different savors or fruits. One fruit specially appreciated when eating "taboulé" is mango, it can replace meat in case of a vegetarian mood.  

Goes well with Try it along with grilled meats or sausages. As it is very easy and quick to cook, It is ideal for a large group of people grilling at the outside during summer.    

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

Taboulé with savors of middle-east

Taboulé with savors of middle-east